When Did I “Know?”

One of the most common questions I get is: “When did you know you were transgender?” It is usually asked right after the question “So since you and Jenni are staying together, does that make her…… ?“ =) There is a short answer and a long one. The short answer is that I came out to myself, and committed to…

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Lifting Weights

So I have had allergies forever. To pretty much any animal on the planet earth. It started slowly in high school. Went to a farm and left at the end of the day a little sneezy. Then I went away to college and it didn’t really affect me. Every now and then I would go to someone’s house that had…

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Hair: Too Much and Too Little

One of the biggest issues with transitioning from male to female is hair. Mostly too much in most places, but too little in others. In doing my research online about transitioning one of the things that was reiterated by people was that they wished they had started electrolysis earlier. It can take several years to completely remove the hair from…

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A Year in Review

This last year has been a crazy, scary, exciting, and emotional year. I am glad it is over, but feel it was all worthwhile and would not cut it out of my life. Jenni and I came to the decision together, that I was going to commit to transitioning, in the early fall of 2016. The decision was not reached…

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Getting my Letter

For those of you that don’t know the process, you cannot just start taking hormones when you decide to transition. First you need to find a doctor that will prescribe you hormones. Then current standard medical guidelines state that you need a “Letter of Readiness” before a doctor will write the prescription for hormone replacement therapy (HRT). You need to…

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