A Year in Review

This last year has been a crazy, scary, exciting, and emotional year. I am glad it is over, but feel it was all worthwhile and would not cut it out of my life. Jenni and I came to the decision together, that I was going to commit to transitioning, in the early fall of 2016. The decision was not reached…

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Getting my Letter

For those of you that don’t know the process, you cannot just start taking hormones when you decide to transition. First you need to find a doctor that will prescribe you hormones. Then current standard medical guidelines state that you need a “Letter of Readiness” before a doctor will write the prescription for hormone replacement therapy (HRT). You need to…

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A Day That Shaped My Future

 I will never forget today. I will never forget the first thing I saw when I woke up and got on Facebook. There was a shooting. At a nightclub. A LGBT+ nightclub. A place for my people to go to get away and feel safe among ourselves. I’ve always felt such a strong bond with the community, but wasn’t sure…

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Sarah’s Birthday

Today is Sarah’s birthday! I love that we turn the same age, only she’s exactly five months before me. It’s like she gets to test the waters before I throw myself in. Ha! She seems fine with being 35 today, but I’m terrified of that number for some reason. Oh well. Good news is that I have until November to…

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The Fabulous Morgan

Oh, my Morgan Boy. My first born… he came out ready to sassy-walk and throw glitter all over this world. I can’t believe he’s going to be ten in just about a week. It’s nuts. As soon as I told Morgan that I was starting this blog, his first words were, “Do I get a post?” Of course, Morgan. You get…

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Back to Reality

As most of you know, we spent this last week in Hawaii. It was a trip we honestly weren’t sure would even really happen because of my mom and her health, but we made it. Thanks, mom! Sean has been able to be Sarah on this trip for her first time. It’s been great. The boys have taken to calling…

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Living out loud

Here I am again. Tired of me yet? The rest of the family is hot tubbing around the resort while I happily sit on a chaise soaking up the rays with my earbuds.  So living out loud. I can’t tell you how amazing it feels to be able to live loud and proud. While I’ve always been very happily married,…

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Gender v. Sexuality

My “favorite” question that I get is this one… “So does that make Sean gay?”  I say “favorite” because it makes me giggle. People ask us a lot of questions out of the goodness of their hearts, and knowing we’re the first people to go through this that most people know, we’re both incredibly open to answering any and all…

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The Boys

One of the biggest questions we get is about the boys. How did they take it? Do they care? What do they call her now that she’s not daddy? Instead of putting specific questions​ with their answers, since so many of the questions are intertwined, it’s going to be all mashed together. Sarah has been feminine at home for about…

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My Anxiety

Jenni: I’ve always been an anxious person. I hate large gatherings. I’ll do just about anything to avoid them, especially when I don’t know a ton of people there. I’ve never been a house party person. In college I never went to bars or out at all, really. Gotta love some social anxiety. Oddly enough though, I’m a super bubbly…

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